IsiXhosa lilifa, uncwadi lwesiXhosa lilifa

“IsiXhosa lilifa, uncwadi lwesiXhosa lilifa.”  La ngamazwi atshiwo nguGqirhalwazi Athambile Masola, nothe wabhala wakhupha ingqokolela yemibongo engumzame wokuzikisa nokuphonononga ubumnandi nobunzima bobomi kwihlabathi esiphila kulo namhlanje. Waziwa kakhulu njengombhali obhala izincoko, kodwa uGqirhalwazi Masola uthe nangona esaziwa kanjalo imibongo sekumzuzu eyibhala kodwa ibiyinto azenzela yona bucala yaye ibingashicilelwanga. “Imibongo yona yohlukile kwizincoko, kodwa ndithe ndakuqaphela…

Linguists and business heads discuss the links between languages and business relations

In a multilingual environment, language is not a cost but a valuable corporate resource. This was heard at the webinar held by the Indigenous Languages Action Forum (ILAF) in partnership with the Pendoring Awards and the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB).   The webinar under the topic, Language: A strategic resource, brought linguists and…

Language is business webinar

  The Indigenous Languages Action Forum (ILAF), in partnership with Pendoring Awards, Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) and Fin24 have the pleasure of inviting you to join our upcoming interactive digital seminar.    Language is business: in an increasingly diverse business environment, the ability to use language flexibly to build, maintain and expand business…

Use and respect our indigenous languages, pass our heritage on to the next generation

Koketso Sachane talks to Thando Mahlangu and Mapelo Tlowane about the importance of promoting and preserving our languages. Thando Mahlangu is an IsiNdebele cultural activist who is at the forefront of activists fighting for the revival of IsiNdebele in the media. Mapelo Tlowane is a lecturer at the University of Limpopo who is passionate about…