Welcome to our world…

ILAF promotes the use of the indigenous languages by conducting advocacy campaigns aimed at the speakers and users of our indigenous languages, parents and teachers, artists and writers, and community leaders and policy makers.


ILAF works hard to normalise and extend the use of Mother Tongue Education (MTE) in South African schools and universities. To do this we conduct advocacy campaigns aimed at decision makers, educators, and parents.  We also facilitate access to resources and solutions.

Criminal Justice

ILAF advocates the linguistic transformation of our legal system and the bench. Judges should be able to use the languages of the region in which they practice. It should be possible to make police statements and court depositions in the language of one’s  choice.


ILAF promotes the use of the indigenous languages in the health sector. Medical practitioners should be able to conduct basic conversations in the languages of the region in which they work.  Medical instructions and forms should be available in all the languages spoken in any one region.

Meet The Team

ILAF Prof Monwabisi Ralarala

Dr. Zakeera Docrat


Abram Mashatole

Vice Chair

Prof. Monwabisi Ralarala

ILAF Conrad Steenkamp

Conrad Steenkamp

 Secretariat & Finances

Siki Dlanga


Steering Committee

The Steering Committee makes ILAF’s policy decisions and reports to the Annual General Meeting of the members. The Steering Committee members are appointed by the ILAF Members during the Annual General Meeting.

Dr. Zakeera Docrat


Abram Mashatole

Vice Chair

Prof. Monwabisi Ralarala


Esther Ramani

Committee Member

Philip Pare

Committee Member

Reneiliwe Malatji

Committee Member

Dr. Sindiwe Magona

Committee Member

Maphelo Tlowane

Committee Member

Simthembile Xeketwana

Committee Member

Sinki Mlambo

Committee Member


Members participate in ILAF decisions, discussions and seminars or become actively involved in ILAF seminars, communications, lobbying and counselling efforts. Members may also suggest and launch initiatives in collaboration with the ILAF Secretariat.

Anybody who support’s ILAFs vision, objectives and approach may apply to become an ILAF member by writing to the Secretariat at admin@ILAF.co.za. Applications should include a short paragraph about the background of the applicant and the reason why they would like to become a member. The members collectively decide whether to accept an application or not.

Get Involved

In African culture the mighty Baobab tree is known as the tree of life. Not only does it have nutritious fruits and leaves that provide shade on a hot summer’s day, but it is also believed that the tree brings prosperity to communities, families and individuals alike. Like the Baobab tree, the value of indigenous languages are as much practical, as they are emotional.  Get rooted in your mother tongue. Get involved with ILAF.