Linguists and business heads discuss the links between languages and business relations

In a multilingual environment, language is not a cost but a valuable corporate resource. This was heard at the webinar held by the Indigenous Languages Action Forum (ILAF) in partnership with the Pendoring Awards and the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB).   The webinar under the topic, Language: A strategic resource, brought linguists and…


Mosotho is Lesotho’s only independent Sesotho language national newspaper sold countrywide on Saturday. Their vision is to be the most accessible and widely circulated culturally appealing newspaper in Lesotho. They aim to focus more on culture, politics and human interest stories by covering mostly rural areas.   To read more about it visit:  


ILANGA Iphephandaba Lesizwe elineminyaka engaphezulu kwengu-115. Lisungulwe nguJohn Langalibalele “Mafukuzela” Dube wasoHlange ngonyaka ka-1903. ILANGA lizishaya amaphiko endimeni yamaphephandaba ngokuba yilo elihamba phambili kumaphephandaba esiZulu cishe eNingizimu Africa yonke. Litholakala ngeSonto, uMsombuluko noLwesine. Ungazitholela izindaba zokungcebeleka, ezomnotho, ezemidlalo, ezikaqedisizungu, ezemfundo nokunye okungini. Ukufunda mayelana ngabo iya ku:  


Isolezwe is a modern isiZulu language newspaper that champions the reading needs of its audience. It is created daily by a team that understands and delivers on the interest and aspirations of its readers. The newspaper is modern in format, topical and relevant in content and independently broad minded in its reporting and commentary.It is…


The Hub for Multilingual Education and Literacies (HuMEL) is a research and development centre producing world-class research into the use of more than one language for accessing knowledge: The Hub’s work is based upon the premise that deeper levels of thinking and identity development are attained through the strategic use of multiple languages and…


The Southern African Applied Linguistics Association (SAALA) aims to promote research by means of an annual conference and workshops; through affiliation with other organisations with similar interests, and through facilitating the distribution and exchange of information. They publish a journal and organise regular conferences, among other things. Bearing in mind the historical legacies of apartheid…